Reconstructing Tell el-Daba

Introduction to reconstructions

The main motivation for the visualisation of the finds of the TD F/I palace is to share and disseminate the current state of knowledge of existing and reconstructed architectural structures and their interpretation. In order to reach a wider public, it was decided to choose a format suitable for the presentation over the internet, which also allows a presentation of the final content on mobile devices as well as cinematic formats providing image sequences which could be used on and offline. So-called ‘3D Real-time Environments’ and ‘walk–through’ allow users to interact with a 3D environment to discover the reconstructed site on their own pace studying the included archaeological information and experiencing architectural spaces from a first-person view.

Virtual reconstructions of tombs and a cellar

Two tombs and a cellar have been reconstructed using field drawings, protocols and photos. Each reconstruction shows the field documentation, a reconstruction of the in situ evidence (i.e. how it looked like when found at excavation) and an idealised reconstruction (how it may originally have looked like).

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Phase Model of Tell el-Daba F/I palace

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This reconstruction of the palace of area F/I from Tell el-Daba provides the user with the possibility to understand the architecture of this building complex as well as its chronological development.

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Walkthrough Tell el-Daba F/I palace

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First Person Mode: Navigate with the arrow keys or the letter keys W, S, A, D to move and use the mouse to look around.
Fly Mode: Use the left mouse button to orbit and the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
Flood Terrain: Klick to see the Nile flood.

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Wooden reconstruction of Tell el-Daba F/I palace

This scan shows a wooden model of the palace of area F/I, which was produced for the exhibition “Pharaonen und Fremde” at the Vienna city hall in 1994. The model is based on the field documentation of this building, which was excavated between 1979 and 1989. It shows the palace of area F/I in its final stage, just before this building was abandoned.

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